Who Am I
i'm just A dope heAd
how did i get stuck in this fucking mess ssem gnikcuf siht ni kcuts teg i did woh i knew myself once now i cAn't recognize ezingocer t'nAc i won ecno flesym wenk i
there's two people inside my brAin i don't know whAt's reAl it's A constAnt bAttle of constAnt pAin i hAte myself i cAn't restrAin
how did i get here (who Am i) whAt is this fucked up (stAte of mind) i cAn't stAnd to see myself this wAy
i'm just A dope heAd psycho freAk ssem gnikcuf siht ni kcuts teg i did woh scAtterbrAin bestseller of the week ezingocer t'nAc i won ecno flesym wenk i so weAk
how did i get here (who Am i) whAt is this fucked up (stAte of mind) i cAn't stAnd to see myself this wAy
this wAy
you know thAt i'm gonnA do it
how did i get here (who Am i) whAt is this fucked up (stAte of mind) i cAn't stAnd to see myself this wAy
this wAy