Two Cool Rock Chicks Listening To Neu

Susanne: That's what you should do, you should be dinosaur's manager
Kim: y'know dinosaur has like ten managers
Susanne: they don't have any other managers
Kim: they have like...are you kidding? they have a manager in every city
Susanne: it'd be such an easy job though to just tell them what to do, i think
Kim: ahhh, yeah but, it's like, they want you to do everything else like they're
that kind of band like they don't wanna do anything
Susanne: yeah but that's easier, to do everything than to just do some of it,
it's easier y'know
Kim: that's true, and have somebody else...
Susanne: and then have somebody else fuck up what you've done by doing part of
your job it's like easier just to do the whole thing

Susanne: in some ways i think like somebody like redd kross would be easy to
manage cos they'd just be so like ``well, whatta we do now?"; and you
just tell them and that would be it
Kim: they just wanna rock
Susanne: yeah right they don't wanna do anything
Kim: they just wanna be rock gods, y'know
Susanne: [?] snare

Susanne: so let's call j
Kim: ok

Kim: hello, is j there? oh um can you just tell him kim and susanne called, ok,
thank you, bye