Casildina Song

(text: Robert W. Chambers)
(hudba: Ji?? "Big Boss" Valter)

Pod?l pob?e?? kde oblaka se t???t? o vlny
a dvojit? slunce zapad? za jezero
kde st?ny dosahuj? - do Carcosy.

Chladn? je noc tam kde ?ern? hv?zdy vych?z?
a chladn? m?s?ce krou?? po obloze
v?ak chladn? je i - nezn?m? Carcosa

P?sn? kter? Hy?dy budou zp?vat
tam kde se t?epotaj? c?ry Kr?le
mus? zaniknout nevysly?eny v - hasnouc? Carcose

P?sni m? du?e m?j hlas je mrtv?,
zem?e? nezp?v?na jak slzy neprolit?
Vyschnou a zemrou ve - ztracen? Carcose.


Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink behind the lake,
The shadows lengthen - in Carcosa.

Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies,
But strange still is - lost Carcosa.

Songs that the Hades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard in - dim Carcosa.


Shall dry and die in - lost Carcosa.