(text: Ji?? "Big Boss" Valter)
(hudba: Petr "Blackie" Ho?ek)
Dech Kosmu st?k? mi po tv???ch
pop?vky d?vn?ch kmen? sly??m v d?lce
t?ny nezn?m?ch n?stroj? se nesou
nad p??zra?nou krajinou.
Srdce m?m rozervan? tajemnou kr?sou
Rulbrah mne usp?v? nezn?mou p?sn?
a jej? o?i mi vypr?v? kouzeln? p??b?h.
Tam kdesi... ?ili d?vno...
Breath of Cosmos flows on my face
The Song of ancient tribes sounds in the beyond
Tones of unknown instruments going over
Phantasmic - scenery
My heart is torn by mystic beauty
And Rulbrah's unknown song lullaby me
Her black eyes told me this
This magic tales...
Once upon a time there was...