Ladies' Nite In Loserville
Drains her fifth and spits out a greek translation*. She slurs ";how much more bullshit you got left? Cuz you been feeding me this crap about ?®free speech' and ?®thought-police' like I'm supposed to sit and swoon";. It takes three more rounds till the subject changes and in that time she lays it down: ";Fuck Larry Flynt and any campaign to silence women standing up and fighting back. And I fuck to cum, so don't lay your ?®repressed' shit on me. I fuck to cum. Fuck your blessed Trinity. I'm so sick of needle-dicks and (selective) first-amendments. I can out-think, out-drink, out-fuck-you-all so fuck your bullshit ?®femi-nazi' crap, no needle-dick's gonna silence me. I fuck to cum.";
* graphos = graphic depiction, pornos = female sexual slave