(Lyrics: Grutle Kjellson)
Horns are resounding, the winds are howling
Drums are pounding, the winds are howling
With spear and bow we go into battle
We are making a stand, brothers in blood
With hope for honour in the name of madness
We will never be defeated, even if we fall
We are not going to Folkvang,
Into the arms of the Vanir Queen,
We shall our fathers if we fall today
We will not flee from our destiny,
even though the winds aren't blowing our way
Brothers, to Valfaders hall
With spear raised in the name of Oden
We shall raise mugs in the name of Oden
Cowards shall fall at our feet
They do not have to pray for sun filled days
No one remembers a slave without a master
Defeated they are when they fall
We raise weapons for our faith
We slaughter the fields for our faith
We have no mercy for those
Who turned their backs
Those who attemmp to close the well
Shall die
Those who lied and betrayed shall die
Give us strenght
We will prevail
Brothers in blood
(Music: R. Kronheim)