Gre?udos Locos
?iganme bien esto es para ustedes
Hermanos pobres y pinches gre?udos
Estos versos son tuyos, no de gabachos
Los que no entienden - aprenden
Gre?udos locos - la cuidad te odia
Gre?udos locos - rata humana
Gre?udos locos - prenden un le?o de mota
Hecho en M?xico, aprendan coyones
que tienen miedo de todo
Toca este disco si tienes huevos
El radio vale madre, la m?sica mama verga
Gre?udos locos - el pa?s te odia
Gre?udos locos - r?bate este disco
Gre?udos locos - traga pisto y tequila
Porque tienen miedo - gre?udos sin huevos
Canta lo que quieres y chinga los viejos
Mierda norte?a, rockeros maricones
Porque buscan a los estados unidos?
Gre?udos locos - Los viejos te odian
Gre?udos locos - Viva brujeria
Gre?udos locos - Hermanos borrachos
Grenudos locos, Grenudos locos, Grenudos locos
[English translate: Crazy Headbangers]
Listen to me this is for all of you
Poor brothers and fucking headbangers
These verses are yours, not American's
Those who don't understand - learn
Crazy headbangers - the city hates you
Crazy headbangers - human rats
Crazy headbangers - light a joint
Made in Mexico, learn cowards
who are afraid of everything
Play this record if you have balls
Radio doesn't give a shit, their music sucks dick
Crazy headbangers - the country hates you
Crazy headbangers - steal this record
Crazy headbangers - swallowing pot and tequila
Why are you scared - headbangers without balls
Sing what you want and fuck the old people
Northern shit, fag rockers
Why do they look to the USA?
Crazy headbangers - old people hate you
Crazy headbangers - long live Brujeria
Crazy headbangers - drunk brothers
Crazy headbangers, Crazy headbangers, Crazy headbangers