If You Gotta Make A Fool Of Somebody

";If You Gotta Make A Fool Of Somebody"; Tab
Rudy Clark
as recorded by Bonnie Raitt

| = bar line; / = play same as previous chord
No bar line = chord gets entire measure's time
Within bar lines chords divide measure accordingly
/^/ = split the beat (ex.: /^G7 )

[Number system for any key: in C, 1=C, 2=D-, 3=E-, etc.]
[Bass notes are key scale numbers: in C, 1=C, 2=D, 3=E, etc.]
[Number in parens = vocal notes from key scale: in C, 1=C, 2=D, 3=E,

3- |/ |6- |/ |
If you got to make a fool of somebody
3- |/ |6- |6-/5 |
If you got to make a fool of someone
4 |2- |5s |/ |
Do you really gotta hurt me
1 |4 |1 |1 /2 /#2 |
I’m the one that’ll worry


(2 3)
2- |5 |
Daytime Nitetime
(1 1 7 6 5)
1 |6- |
Anytime at all
2- |5 |
I’ll be there waiting
1 |6- |
Anytime you call
2- |5 |
Just to be near you
(6 6^5)
You know
( 1 1 7 6 6^5)
|/ |2- |
That anywhere I’ll go
(6 7 1 7 7 6^5)
2- |/ |5 || 3-
How could you hurt me so

Verse break
alternate bass line: | 3-/5 |3-/#4 |6-/3 |6-/6 |

transcribed by OtMan marten@sky.net