Deadly error

No one knows the natural powers
They're astonished, they're afraid
Pushing forwards technology
They forgot just who they are
Once contented with fulfillment
Now they cannot get enough
The time has come to harvest what they're sown
There's no way forward, progress cannot grow
And they will see that they have failed
Deadly error
They fight against their own achievements
They fear what they once created
Suffocate in poisoned breezes
Once they conquered, now they're slaves
They are running from their own hell
They are running, cause they know
The time has come to harvest what they've sown
There's no way forward, progress cannot grow
And they will se that they have failed
Deadly error
A shadow
One whisper
Nothing to see
There is a pair of glowing eyes, a gruesome call
Just one breath
He demands tribute
An abased one
In restless pain
The grief feels like they'd
cut a piece out of his heart
Whoo - Streetwolf's got you
Whoo - Streetwolf's got you
Look in the mirror,
a river of blood - your race is almost run
He's in your back, even there on each side,
in front another one
He grabs you at your throat,
his jaws will cut you into bits
It's just what he always did,
the thunder made his hits
Howling and hunting,
a raging revenge - substitutes can't satisfy
The loss of what's too precious
to forget has blured his eye
Soon the day will come when
they will stand up like a storm
The pain will be too mush to bear,
their hearts, they must be torn
Whoo - Streetwolf's got you
Whoo - Streetwolf's got you